The moment of truth is, well, a moment.

The proof of any pudding, as well as software, lies in the moment of truth. No level or intensity of development finesse can hold water when an application conks off due to scale or load or any other real-ground issue.

Ensuring and delivering performance, availability and consistency of applications is what keeps our performance teams awake and excited.

Why us?

We wear gum-boots instead of gloves. Our intent and focus are always leaning towards the client and the real scenarios out there. We endeavour to work with our clients but think like ‘their’ clients. We also bring to the fore all our knowledge and experience distilled from previous testing work and high-stake implementations.

Outfitting this in-the-furrows thinking is a superior set of tools, experts, infrastructure, environments, devices and architecture that propel our testing capabilities miles ahead of others.

You will gain from life-like testing tapped through

  • Strategic scoping of the project before undertaking tests.
  • Involvement of key stakeholders in the project.
  • Well defined objectives and roles.
  • Early injection of tests in development life cycle.
  • Precise issue-spotting and mitigation with performance engineering.
  • An integrated approach.
  • Risk-ready testing culture.
  • Tool/technology –agnostic services.
  • Apt time spent on discovery phase and accurate application design in resonance with real performance test scenarios.

We offer

  • Dependability-checks for internal and external facing systems.
  • Productivity leaps.
  • Significant Revenue windows and Cost-Shavings.
  • ROQ and test suite thrust.
  • Versatile-situation/user-behaviour-simulative test frameworks.
  • Capacity-checks and Testing for load, peak and soak scenarios.
  • Tests for scale and data throughput through specialist simulation software.
  • Replication modes for extreme user loads and peak-predictability.
  • Digestible and actionable diagnosis, reporting and test optimisation.
  • A full stack covering audit, strategy, consultancy and tooling advice.
  • Capacity, Component and System Benchmark Solutions.
  • Cloud support for anywhere-testing.
  • Remote-plus-Secure bridging to client’s test environment.

Get In Touch With Us

Drop a line, we would love to propel this conversation and your software assets further.